Human beings are the only creation who are gifted with intellectual power. But sometimes, we feel human beings are the only creation, who aren’t capable of thinking. Each and every human possess the ability to ponder and thinks differently, not only they think different but also their actions vary.
Understanding human behaviour is one tough task to ever exist. Sometimes we cross paths with strangers who turn out to be very outgoing, all kind and smiling but sometimes, some people’s behaviour scares us, as they turn out to be unreasonably rude.
According to different studies, “human behaviour is shaped by psychological traits, as personality types vary from person to person, producing different actions and behaviour.” Some psychological experts state that most of the time human behaviour is influenced by a variety of factors, including genetics and the environment.
Life isn’t same for everyone. It might be very harsh on you and for some people it might be very kind. But your behaviour while interacting with people shouldn’t affect other person. There’s a saying that goes ‘In a world where you can be anything, be kind.’ In this era, youth are adopting the behaviour of being rude unreasonably, and cold m-hearted etc. But this behaviour eventually will have huge impact on soft-hearted people.
It’s so important to be kind to people, especially to strangers. It really does make a difference, especially for people who are vulnerable or struggling. Everyone are struggling with one or the other problem. Some people might have anxiety, new people/environment phobia. Rude behavior will eventually trigger their anxiety level, and thus it will have a very big impact on their mental health.
There might be several reasons for one to be rude. But it won’t justify their actions by being rude to others without any reason. Even if a minute change in your expression could make them feel less valued, get hold of your facial expressions, for their sake, and do the least thing, be kind.
Some adults who are reasonably rude to youth or youth being rude to adults, their behaviour is the result of emotional trauma or lack of affection, love and care from their loved ones. Failure of parenting, and right upbringing of children results in one turning out to be rude.
The environment around us has high influence on how we behave with people, and how we interact with people. Kindness has the power to heal and console others. So, most of the therapists suggest everyone to often smile, to spread smile and to help each other with beautiful words.
Nevertheless, it’s very important to be kind to everyone, as everyone are struggling with one or the other problem.